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  1. M

    Local Synology VPN IP lost after disconnecting from VPN Connection

    I've set up a VPN server on Synology, yet once I disconnect the VPN, that formerly working Mac IP address (works before VPN is connected) is no longer working. Even reconnecting the VPN after disconnecting it doesn't work -- can no longer reach the Synology VPN server. Is there a way to...
  2. cutlerkevin

    macOS sharing issue

    Over the last few years i have noticed something, something that cant really called a bug but its something that should be fixed. by default when you go into the system's sharing settings and you set up file sharing no matter the files or folders you add, it will automatically share the...
  3. B

    Can any tell me what this is

    Last login: Fri May 19 12:14:09 on ttys001 brandonwright@Brandons-Mini ~ % ifconfig lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384 options=1203<RXCSUM,TXCSUM,TXSTATUS,SW_TIMESTAMP> inet netmask 0xff000000 inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 inet6 fe80::1%lo0...
  4. W

    How to add persistent route in MacOS command line

    Hi everybody, I would like to add persistence route on my MacBook to route certain traffic through VPN. The command I am using at terminal is sudo route -n add -net The command is running fine and doing its job. The problem is that, when MacBook is rebooted, the route...
  5. Buadhai

    Resolved Networking Woes: Airdrop, AFP, SMB

    I'm posting this only because it seems so baffling and because someone else might run in to the same thing. This morning my wife needed to access an iCloud file from her MBA still on Catalina 10.15.7. The original file was on her M1 iMac sitting right next to the MBA and connected to the same...
  6. M

    PowerMac Networking Setups

    Hi people, I'm curious on hearing what you guys do for networking on a PowerMac. It can be really just anything, some examples being: Any cool WiFi/BT related upgrades, multiple ethernet cards, network file-sharing, best web browsing setup, web-hosting, etc etc.. I'm curious on seeing what you...
  7. Alvin777

    Has Anyone Successfully Networked macOS to Windows 11?

    Hello Mac friends. If anyone has successfully networked macOS Monterey to their Windows 11 PC at another room, what settings did you apply for both macOS Monterey and Windows 11? Successfully networked would mean: - you can transfer files from macOS to the PC - you can print from macOS using...
  8. RealMonster

    Internet access broken, requires reboot to fix

    So my M1 Mac Mini on Monterey has developed a weird issue over the last week. I get to it in the morning and I can't access anything on the internet. I believe that the machine is still on the network because my Apple Watch still unlocks it, and if I'm remembering right, that requires wifi to be...
  9. David1986H

    Im upgrading to WIFI 6

    Since 2011 iv been using Devolo Powerline adaptors which have worked flawlessly for me, first starting with wifi 4 then upgrading to wifi 5 in 2016 and now iv ordered the new Devolo wifi 6 adaptors. In the new year I'm having full fibre broadband fitted which will increase my speeds from 50 t0...
  10. J

    'metadata.o.config', should I be concerned?

    For a vast number of reasons I cannot get into, over the past month, I have been convinced that someone installed a key logger and other spyware on my Macboook Pro, running Big Sur. Today, I upgraded to macOS v. 11.2.3, and when I logged back in, I discovered a 'recovered files' folder in my...
  11. Natastrophe

    Very slow access to SMB and AFP shares

    As much as I love my new M1 Macbook Air, one thing that it has huge issues with is accessing shares on my Qnap server. I've setup both SMB and AFP shares, and they are slow, disconnect all the time, and generally are a huge pain. Pretty much unusable at times. My Windows 10 laptop has zero...
  12. jent

    Are most modern wireless routers Time Machine compatible via wifi?

    I'm going to be replacing a dying Time Capsule and I have to admit that I haven't kept up to date with wireless routers. My parents have Comcast Xfinity for their ISP and I set the cable modem / wireless router device into bridge mode in order to use a Time Capsule as the router. Can I buy...
  13. MacinMan

    Chromecast and mDNS / IGMP

    Hey all, hope this day finds you well. I am looking for some clarification on recommended router settings when it comes to multicast / mDNS, and IGMP. Google's documentation seems to be very vague on the topic. According to Google, they say if you're running chromecast v1 to enable multicast...
  14. S

    Ethernet switch wreaking havoc on my network

    I'm going a bit crazy trying to solve this one, so maybe the MacRumors family can point me in the right direction... Something is fishy with my network. I've recently added a 5-port unmanaged ethernet switch (TP-Link TL-SG105) to my network. When the switch is connected to my Verizon FiOS G1100...
  15. Michael Adams

    Looking for feedback from ZeroTier users

    Hey everyone. I know I'm new here as a user, but have been here on & off as a lurker. My wife is a former Apple employee, and I grew up using the pre-MacOS hardware (more a WinLin guy now); I've had to do my fair share of MacOS support in IT. Anyway, I started working for ZeroTier last week, and...
  16. qoqo

    iOS PacketCalc beta. Any network admins out there?

    Hi, Just submitted an iPhone / iPad app called PacketCalc to TestFlight. If anyone's interested in trying it out, I'd very much appreciate any feedback! The app can answer questions like "How much payload, i.e. user data, could you send in 13 seconds in a 495 byte IPv6 packet encapsulated in...
  17. B S Magnet

    Bottlenecks & unpacking the limits of 10/100 Ethernet on iBook G3 clamshell

    To be blunt, I’ve been torn between posting this on the Server/Networking sub-forum or over here, but as it focusses mostly on legacy equipment and Ethernet protocols, the balance seems tipped to favour here. [Mods: you’re welcome to move this over to the other sub-forum if this more...
  18. Opry99er

    Appletalk issues

    Hello, folks... I've been very busy lately trying to get one very simple thing done with my classic Macintosh computers.... I can't really equate the number of hours I have on this project right now, but it is well over 200. I am attempting to set up a very simple Appletalk network between...
  19. I

    Storage Solution for Video Production Business - NAS?

    We are a team of creatives looking to solve our growing storage issues as I’m sure most businesses discover. The majority of our work is video and now more often than not we filming in 4K. On average a job/project will consume roughly 200GB in its entirety which includes the raw footage...
  20. DCWolfie

    NAS serving low speed

    So I have a problem with my NAS just giving me around 10-15MB/s write and ~20MB/s read. This is a WD EX2 with two WD RED 4TB discs. I've done a lot of troubleshooting, but now I'm completely lost. Connecting the unit directly to a computer with an Ethernet cable gives speeds of over 100MB/s, so...