Hello all and before anything thanks for all your help!!
I am wanting to buy a MBP as I want to start learning to video edit, so I can start doing this a hopefully build it into a freelance career for extra income whilst travelling. (I am aware it will take ages and I will probably make no...
Am I the only one using Apple Music rather than Spotify? The sound quality on Apple is a lot better than the other. My problem is the behavior of the play button on Mac.
When I want to play music and press the play button, instead of iTunes, it plays the previous video I watched. On youtube, it...
Hi I am looking to buy a used mac book pro. I am going to use it for daily use, IOS programming and other programming, and light video editing and Photoshop. Also I am probably going to upgrade the ram to 8gb and put in a SSD to any one that I get.
Here are the choices I have...