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new york

  1. Mr. Dee

    Summer Vacation or Vision Pro?

    I have my summer vacation to New York planned out and it’s already ballooned to 2,700 and that’s just being conservative. I’m wondering if I should cancel and just wait for the Vision Pro and spend the money there. Not to mention I pay it off in monthly installments using my Apple Card. I’m also...
  2. Haystack Search

    Universal New App for iOS (Search Engine for Products)

    Hey, this is Haystack here. We just recently launched our app on the Apple Store in iTunes. Be one of the first people to download it! Looking for products in local stores in NYC? Haystack helps you explore inventory and find the exact things you need. This is the link to our app...
  3. davidmartindale

    Want to move to New York

    Hey guys, I want to move to New York at some point in the next year or so. I would like to hear from members living in the New York area regarding employment opportunities and the best places to look for housing. As far as employment goes, I don't have any degrees but I am very well versed in...
  4. SamIAre

    Universal Real NYC — iMessage stickers for New Yorkers

    Hi all! My company recently released a sticker pack for iMessage called Real NYC. It captures what New York is actually like—not just the touristy parts—and we did it all with photos we took ourselves. Check out our promo site: Find us in the iMessage App Store: Real NYC We'd...