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  1. pedzsan

    NFS or SMB with configurable cache

    I'm considering instead of Dropbox or iCloud, pay for my own hosted server with 10TB of storage and put either an NFS or an SMB server on it (or both) and just use that as my cloud storage. The hosting site will do backups. As a third level thing, I could also push it off up to Dropbox. The...
  2. rtparies

    Since upgrading to Big Sur, i can not longer mount remote nfs drives

    Hello, before big sur, i would mount my nfs mount via finder-->connect to server with the command nfs:// now it comes back immediately with the error "the was a problem connecting to the server" so then i tried via shell sudo mount -o rw -t nfs
  3. DCWolfie

    NAS serving low speed

    So I have a problem with my NAS just giving me around 10-15MB/s write and ~20MB/s read. This is a WD EX2 with two WD RED 4TB discs. I've done a lot of troubleshooting, but now I'm completely lost. Connecting the unit directly to a computer with an Ethernet cable gives speeds of over 100MB/s, so...
  4. Michelasso

    NFS (and other protocols) too slow via WiFi ac on MBP 13"

    So, let me get straight to the point. This is my setup: Powerline adapters (PLA) from main router to room router. Circa 200Mbps measured. Sony Bravia with Android TV (wired to room router. Capped at 100Mbps) Apple TV 4K (ATV 4K. Wired to room router) MacBook Pro 13" with macOS Sierra (latest...
  5. O

    NAS mount via launch daemon script - what else could be recreating mount? + Thunderbolt woes

    I've created a launch daemon (no KeepAlive, but RunAtLoad is true) that runs a script at boot time that essentially does this: mkdir /Volumes/homes /sbin/mount_nfs nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:/homes /Volumes/homes Background (why I've done this) 1) The users don't have to logon to the NAS separately. The...
  6. l008com

    NetInstall/NetBoot Failure in High Sierra Server [ NFS Errors ]

    I'm an independent Mac tech and I use NetBoot all the time to repair people's Macs. I switched to it way back when Apple started removing Firewire ports. I knew I needed a different way to get in to broken Macs, and NetBoot had lots of advantages (work on multiple Macs at once, different...
  7. O

    2 Macs - "best of both worlds" NAS / DAS - AFP vs NFS re permissions

    Our family has 2 iMacs and I want us to be able to use either one of them and have access to all of our files the same way as if they were on a local drive / DAS. So, I bought a QNAP Thunderbolt NAS (perhaps overkill ;-) because that's exactly one of the scenarios they advertise (having a NAS...
  8. Scott Davilla

    Apps MrMC v3.0.3 on tvOS added new native emby client fixed plex client 3D SBS detection fixed OS screensaver for FireOS and Android fixed tvOS dismiss of OS screensaver when using play/pause buttons added audio silence factor selector improved plex/emby playback startup improved...
  9. speedingant

    AutoMounter your NAS Shares - Native macOS App

    Introducing AutoMounter, a powerful menu item designed to automatically mount your network shares. We wanted our network shares always accessible and ready to use. If you've got a NAS appliance, a server at work, or even shared folders on your other computers, you'll know how time consuming it...