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  1. I

    iMac retina vs non-retina

    I tried non-retina iMac and found it easier for my eyes, compared to my current usage (rMBP 13"). Anyone experience the same? Thanks.
  2. L

    Question regarding the performance of a MBP when it has it's retina display disabled

    I'm using this app called EasyRes (very reputable app from what I've heard) on my 2017 MBP. I've disabled the retina display (2x) by using it's standard setting (1x) and I was just wondering if doing so would affect my computer's overall performance. Like will it help its battery life, make it...
  3. D

    MBP (macOS Sierra) + External display issues

    I recently got a used Dell U2413 as a secondary monitor to my MBP (15" Mid 2012, non-retina, macOS Sierra). I'm currently an experiencing an issue where the external display would shut off, including its power led, 30mins to an hour after turning it on with the laptop. I would have to either...
  4. fhturner

    Target Display Mode on *non-Retina* iMac 2015?

    I have looked all over, but have not found any specific confirmation or refusal of this: can a non-Retina iMac 2015 (such as base or mid 21.5" or base 27") do Target Disk Mode? The "letter of the law": suggests not due to the verbiage "...Late 2014 and...
  5. milovanstevan

    Non-Retina i7 4GB RAM vs i5 8GB RAM

    Hey there, I've recently decided to move to Apple products and I have a small dilemma. I was looking to buy a non-retina MacBook Pro since I do not have a lot of cash available. Most Macs I saw that fit my budget had either i7 with 4GB of RAM or i5 with 8GB of RAM. I used a laptop that had an i7...