Hi, I need help with my Power Mac G5! I tried to make a bootable USB for Leopard but when I go into the boot selector, the drive doesn't come up, when I try to launch the installer from Mac OS X, it just reboots into the OS, and when I try to boot into it from open firmware, it just shows the...
My 500Mhz PowerBook G4 has its firmware locked under an unknown password, due to being bought second hand, that refuses to let the computer boot off of the HDD which has Tiger and OS 9 on it and off of a Firewire target. What I need is a way oy getting it into a state where it actually boots and...
Figured I'd start another public resource initiative to encourage greater fluency with the underpinnings of a PowerPC computer, so that there isn't so much struggle and confusion just to boot an operating system (namely USB disks), check attached devices and resources, or perhaps even run system...