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os x mavericks

  1. F

    OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 file integrity

    I've acquired OS X Mavericks (10.9.5 build 13F34) through and I'm facing a challenge verifying this file. There are 2 fishy things about it: The .app file requires a bash command xattr -cr to become usable for reasons beyond me. The command pkgutil --check-signatur on Install OS X...
  2. Mr. Dee

    Mavericks OS X at Peak Beauty

    I recently picked up a few 15 inch MacBook Pro's that were heading to e-waste and one had a recovery for OS X Mavericks, version 10.9. My official journey with OS X started with Yosemite, prior to that prior experiences were running Tiger on a Hackintosh. Mavericks on the retina display is...
  3. O

    Can someone give me a Mavericks download link?

    Hey! I searched a lot on the web for OS X Mavericks installer file, but i didn't find any, but the updates. It was removed from the App Store, so that's not an option, it is why i'm here. Can someone give me a link for the full Mavericks installer? I want to create a bootable disk. An Apple ID...
  4. B

    How can I install OS X mavericks?

    I have a mid 2014 mbp; I bought it in June 2015 so it went with Yosemite on, but I've read that the mid 2014 is compatible with OS X 10.9, is it true? If so, how can I get it?