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  1. 81Tiger04

    HomePod HomePod Mini pair works for music but not TV

    I have set up a HomePod Minis as a pair. This works wonderfully with music! Sound comes out of both speakers to create a stereo effect as you would expect. The problem starts when I watch tv. Everything is only playing out of one speaker. It's annoying! I'm using Apple TV so I assumed this...
  2. HumpDayMedia

    Brand new Apple Watch 3 will not pair with ANY iPhone

    So ... my step daughter today got an Apple Watch 3 for her birthday - but the setup process kept blowing up when attempting to update the watch. It would "pair" then ask for LEFT or RIGHT preference. As soon as you selected one or the other, it would say "could not pair" and it would unpair...
  3. V

    Trying to pair Remote app w/ iMac

    I thought this would be really easy, but it's not. When I open the app on my phone, it gives the code that I need to enter into iTunes, but my problem is I don't know where to put it. There should be a Remote icon on my tab bar, but it's not there. I am using version I see my phone...
  4. V-L@D

    MOTO 360 - Pairing issue with iPhone 7

    Hi I am unable to pair the Moto 360 (v2-2015) to the iPhone 7. ALthough it is supposed to be compatible. Have restarted iphone, restored to factory defaults the watch couple of times and both watch and phone OS are at the latest version. both charged up. Pairing with an android phone works ok...