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  1. T

    This app helps child fall asleep

    Hello. We are an independent studio - Dotbake. An app "Shleepy Stories: Nighty Night" was recently released by us. This app creates a sleep atmosphere for child with music, hand-drawn illustrations and meditative gameplay. Over 90% of parents surveyed agree that the app helps kids fall asleep...
  2. Huntn

    Facing Aging Parents

    @Scepticalscribe has spoken extensively about watching her parents decline in old age and pass away. It is a sad part of existence as a human being. If I can find a link to that thread, I’ll post it. I, 66 years old, and my two brothers are currently facing this with our Father. He is 91...
  3. Cruciarius

    My parents want a "last computer"...

    So my parents currently own an eMac. Unsure exactly what model, but it's 12-16 years old. It can't be upgraded anymore for the OS or hardware. No browser even loads pages correctly. They can't spend a lot, but want the next computer to be their final computer. I'm tempted to suggest the low-end...
  4. M

    Watch setup for a kid?

    Hi all! We just replaced my wife’s 38mm series 3 with a 4. Our goal is for our ten year old to use the 3 when he’s out in the neighborhood so we can call, text him, etc. There seems to be some hypothetical limitations that I’m not sure exist or not, so I’m hoping for some clarity and...