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pc desktop

  1. K

    Those of you with a Studio Display and are using it with a Windows PC. How is your experience?

    I'm looking to put together a PC and get an ASD because it's the only available option in terms of glossy screens that aren't ultrawide gaming monitors, which are horrible for illustrative uses. I know when the display first came out, it was rather difficult to acquire access to brightness...
  2. lixeza

    Need Help for Buying Gaming PC

    I need high configuration super speed Gaming PC, Where I can use high loaded software like adobe cc , Forex software and more. Please advice me. Thanks
  3. B

    How do I access my Time Machine with a PC?

    My iMac died last month, but everything was backed up on a 1-TB partition of a 2.5" HDD. But now I'm on a PC running Windows 10 and I don't know of the "correct" way to go about recovering all my beloved files. Where do I start?
  4. B

    Can I use my iMac as a gaming PC monitor?

    UPDATE: On July 28, my iMac died. We had 7 great years together, but the GPU gave out and I've moved on to a PC, rendering this thread moot. I have a 27" 2011 iMac that I want to use as a monitor for a gaming PC I plan on building. I understand this will only work if I have a special device...
  5. A

    PC Desktop Build

    Sorry, but didn't know where to put this and I know its a PC but I have found many here reliable so hopefully you can help me out! I might be getting a desktop rather than laptop. Was going to get the Macbook Pro but my parents are questioning me and now said to look into a laptop. My budget is...