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  1. M

    Phishing Attempt: Next Steps

    I am trying to help my mom sort out a phishing attempt she nearly fell pray to. She has an older MacBook running Mojave and uses the newest version of Firefox that is supported. She accidentally clicked on a dodgy link and got a request to input her password. Luckily, this set off alarm bells...
  2. N

    iPhone 12 iPhone stolen from hand while taking photo - They have my email address :(

    Hello, I had my phone stolen by professionals, would very much appreciate some technical insights into how vulnerable my data is (I know they have my phone number and email address) and what they might do next - huge thanks in advance Long story, but here are the facts - - Was on holiday in...
  3. PinkyMacGodess

    Dealing with marketing emails and macOS mail. If only rules worked.

    I was getting marketing emails that I no longer wanted to see. The approved way is to 'unsubscribe', right. So I did the 'right thing', and now am being ruthlessly punished for it. (Or, in an apparent ideal world we don't live in, setup a rule/filter.) So part of this is a rant about macOS...
  4. O

    Keychain Hack / Disk Utility > HELP!

    Guys, Hoping you can help - I've read the threads on the forum and a lot of you are very knowledgable. I've got a 2019 MacBook Pro Retina and for the past few months I havre had a virus / malware issue. I've taken it to Apple, spoken to Apple Support and even contacted and visited several...
  5. Z

    eradicating hostile emails

    Is there some online service dedicated in doing the job that email clients cannot fulfil 100% ? That job is eradicating and blocking spam/phishing emails etc. that trying to trick people.
  6. keysofanxiety

    Can’t report phishing to Apple because their mail server detects my emails as spam?!

    Hi guys, had this issue over the last two weeks where the emails bounce back from Apple’s phishing address as undelivered. I’ve double-checked the email address I’m sending to is definitely: Is there something obvious I’m missing? Anybody had this problem before? I’ve...
  7. L

    Accidentally clicked a scam email link...

    As the title suggests, I accidentally clicked on a scam email link. I realised my mistake almost instantly and closed the tab before it had time to load. Shortly thereafter, I went to use spotlight to search the term "Malwarebytes Anti Malware", though for some reason typing this phrase crashes...
  8. L

    Can using a VPN cause Apple to believe suspicious activity on Apple ID account?

    I recently subscribed to a VPN service and have been using it frequently. I have been using my phone and iCloud services pretty regularly (before the VPN purchase), but recently, my account was locked. I was forced to do a password reset through the apple id website, and I assume my account had...
  9. T

    Phishing Warnings, Help?

    Hi, I bought a new MacBook recently and I'm experiencing some weird things. The most prominent thing is the phishing warnings I keep getting everytime I open Safari. When I open my browser or sometimes the browser is already opened-- I open a new tab and as soon as I type anything in the...
  10. onaips

    [New/Free] Fyde - Full ad blocker, anti-phishing and security app

    Hi All, I'm excited to share with you our Fyde app! We are a startup backed by Silicon Valley investors, and set out to create a next-gen application that protects you from attacks that may put your identify at risk. Because privacy is at the heart of our company, we don't show ads or sell any...
  11. techwarrior

    PSA: Stop Spam and Phishing emails on your iCloud account

    Not sure which blog site I found this on, but a week in an it appears a flurry of spam\phishing emails being sent to my .me account, and .me alias are all but gone. I was getting 3-5 emails per day about "my account", things like email failed to send, problem with account or login, pictures...
  12. paulcons

    Apple Compromised?

    Got this e-mail today (yes I reported it to Apple). Generally when I see "" in the headers, it is some form of scam. I always look at the headers when I get suspicious mail, this one was one example (using an image of the opened mail headers with my address/domain redacted)...
  13. M

    SMS re: iCloud verification. Phishing?

    I have just received an SMS as follows. Starting with my name and surname. MY NAME, due to multiple attempts to log into your iCloud account you must verify your information here to unlock your account. Then in blue "Tap to load preview" Pretty sure it's a scam. Has anyone else seen this? I...
  14. W

    Accidentally clicked a phishing link from inbox on my iPhone

    Hi Everyone, I accidentally clicked on what I think is a phishing link from an email sent from an existing contact. The subject line was "Fwd: Fw to MY NAME" and the message content was "I think this is something you may appreciate I didn't...
  15. MisterRyan07

    Clicked on Amazon Spam

    I shop at Amazon a lot and when I saw in the subject like that my Amazon order has been cancelled, I did without thinking clicked on the link and it opened 2 windows and lead me to what looks like a TMZ homepage on my iPhone using Safari. Should I be concerned? I cleared out my browsing history...
  16. S

    Clicked on phishing link on iPhone - help please!

    Feeling very stupid right now... and quite worried - any help would be much appreciated. I received a text from 'iCloud' saying my 'Apple and iCloud would be terminated' unless I confirmed my details through a link sent in the text. I don't know what I was thinking but I clicked on the link...
  17. L

    phone stolen, now recieving phishing did they get my contact info?

    My iphone6 was stolen ~3 weeks ago, after it was stolen I placed the phone into lost mode via find my iPhone and got a new phone a couple days later. I changed all my passwords/apple ID and have 2 factor authentication enabled. Now two weeks later I have received multiple phishing emails saying...