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  1. T

    (re)learning PHP. Best setup?

    Hello all, Years ago I learned PHP in a class at my local tech college. Built a little CMS as you do. That was on Windows using Notepad ++ (or maybe even MS Expressions Web) and WAMP. I had a little PHP job the other day and forgot how much I actually enjoyed it, despite how frustrating it can...
  2. S

    macOS 10.15 PHP version

    Hi guys, can someone tell me what PHP version macOS Catalina ships with? Run php -v in Terminal to get the version.
  3. W

    php readfile('test.mp4') command not working only on safari

    Does anyone know how to fix this? I have googled and some people say safari is funny about headers other say its to do with partial content, but no working solutions. The following code is a super simple example it is the only code on the php page and the mp4 file is in the same directory. In...
  4. Maciek000

    macOS PHP XDebug ignore breakpoints

    Hello. My current xdebug php.ini configuration is: [xdebug] zend_extension="/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20160303/" xdebug.profiler_output_dir="/tmp/xdebug/" xdebug.profiler_enable=on xdebug.remote_enable=on xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port=9000...
  5. cyberblood

    Managing native PHP on OS X server

    Hi, I use OS X server for webserver and I'm having problems with PHP modules loaded etc. The PHP version coming with OS X Server doesn't have Mcrypt and many other modules I need.There is a big mess using Brew to add some, after upgrade the version are not compatible. There is an alternative...
  6. Strider64

    Trivia Intoxication

    I have been developing a trivia game written in vanilla javascript that also incorporates Ajax and PHP into the mix. Here's the link: I also have a github page where I have been sharing the files...
  7. martinabel900

    PHP on Mac OS 10 server

    Good day to you all. I am trying to install PHP7.1 to my Mac OS X server. I have followed all the steps, however, it still doesn't work. I can see v7.1 when I use the Terminal, but the I use the web browser it still sees php 5.34 I would appreciate and suggestions. Thank you
  8. pwhitehead

    Team Treehouse e-Learning Courses

    I'm normally a person and haven't renewed my subscription in sometime. I have an elegant themes account that I use to build word press sites, but I'm not much of a coder and I barely use any custom css. I do use a child theme though and understand the basics of building a site...
  9. Strider64

    Redesigning My Website

    I have been slowly been slowly redesigning/redeveloping my website and the reason for the slow development is due to personal matters that I'm not going to go into. I though hopefully will be speeding up my progress over the next couple weeks/months though I have learn to take one day at a time...