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  1. JippaLippa

    Apple Music Is it possible to bring back the 4 covers thumbnail for Apple Music playlists?

    Hello. I have been using Apple Music since 2020 and I love it. Traditionally each new playlist had the traditional 4-way collage of the first album cover arts in the playlist. I loved this system, but unfortunately apple brought additional controls when creating playlists, with the addition...
  2. Sowelu

    Music App: Any way to copy local playlists and retain Ratings and Favorites?

    In the year 2024, I am still burning playlists to DVDs just so that I can share them and import them onto other Macs. It seems like this method is still the only way to copy and move a playlist while retaining the Star Ratings and Favorite (heart) status. I've tried the 'Playlist Export' (XML)...
  3. apple fan23

    Apple Music Playlists album name + details

    My playlists are always a single album each. I used to create new playlists and the system would fill in the details automatically (on album page simply click 'add to playlist -> new playlist'). This feature seems to have disappeared, unless I am missing something? The new playlist now starts...
  4. Russtopher

    iPhone SE (2020) Music Playlists

    Hello I have quite a bit of music downloaded on my iPhone. I have also made a couple of Playlists to listen to while driving. My question is, can I plug my phone into the laptop (iTunes) and save my playlists in there? My ultimate goal is to be able to put a particular playlist on a flash...
  5. Reggaenald

    Apple Music Smart Playlist isn't synced from Mac to iPhone

    I created a Smart Playlist in Apple Music with the rules to take songs from other playlists and put them together into one. However, that playlists isn't being synced from my Mac to my iPhone. Other Smart Playlists are being synced and updated without much issue, and taking the songs from this...
  6. S

    I lost all my playlists and "dates added" on Apple Music when I transferred from my old MacBook Pro to new MacBook Pro

    Hi, Newbie here, my apologies if I posted this in the wrong section in advance. I have a 2018 MacBook Pro that has music I transferred from 2013 MacBook Pro. I transferred the music from my 2013 MacBook Pro using an external hard drive. I grabbed the "iTunes" folder and transferred to...
  7. mrgreeneyes

    Apple Music iOS 15.3.1 Apple Music playlist folders will not delete...

    I have been having some pretty bad sync issues with Apple Music on my MacBook and on my iPhone. playlists wouldn't sync on from either device. got it solved, reboot MacBook into safe boot, launched Apple Music and it seems to resolve the syncing issue. but not I have a new issue, if I make a...
  8. purdnost

    Smart Playlists - Sort by Year?

    I've created smart playlists to group music from different decades (70s, 80s, 90s...). The rules for the playlists involve a date range (1990-1999). However, the music within these playlists are not sorted by year. They're all mixed up. I would like them to be sorted by year, ascending. Is there...
  9. Anthonyricco

    TV playlists not showing on Apple TV 3

    Hi Guys I have an Apple TV 3 and with iTunes I had playlists for my library series like a folder for Kids with all their stuff in folders, a folder for series with all the series etc. Since the update to TV I've set up Genres and Playlists but nothing shows up - only the TV Shows Library shows...
  10. C

    When streaming via Amazon Echo it always plays the same handful of songs

    I play my Apple Music via an Amazon Echo and when I ask it to play my music it always plays '''my name's' music" and plays the same old group of songs. I have not found a way to make it play a playlist of change the songs that it considers are in my 'station'. I know this is probably also an...
  11. DavidAndy

    Apple Music - unable to browse curator playlists

    i used to listen to 3rd party curator playlists such as from the BBC, Pitchfork and NME on Apple Music but can no longer find a way to browse these playlists. Has something changed? If I search the curator I can find them so the playlists are still available but the ability to browse as before...
  12. keysofanxiety

    Apple Music family plan playlist issues

    Hi all, So people are signed up to my family plan on Apple Music, however their playlists that they created on iTunes which are linked to their Apple ID don't show up in playlists on the Music app for their phone when they open it. When trying to link via Settings> Music and enabling iCloud...
  13. K

    HomePod HomePod and Siri - inconsistent playback of Playlists

    One oddity I've noticed is that I can ask "Hey Siri play my playlist" Siri says "Which playlist would you like me to play" I then say the name of the playlist. Siri then says "Sure, playing XXXX playlist" - and then usually plays the playlist but sometimes just goes to sleep at that point...
  14. C

    iTunes Is Buggy

    This version of iTunes only displays the release date in a playlist. Yes, I did select the view option to display the release date and I have a column for that data but it will not show in the library. If I view the information (command/i) the release date can be seen there. I can see the...
  15. idrewuk

    Apple Music - why won't they...

    ...let us re-organise our Playlists in whichever order we want? It's such a simple feature yet it's stuck being alphabetical order. I've requested it numerous times in the support form but they don't seem to wanna play. Similarly, it'd be good to pull down and be able to search Playlists to...
  16. T

    Apple music playlists problem

    Hi, In itunes on my desktop i have 10 tracks in a certain order, but on my iphone in music they appear in a different order, pretty much back to front, how can i change this so my phone reflects the order in itunes? I have gone to edit playlist in itunes, sort by manual order, but they dont...
  17. luke lau

    Looking for beta testers for a collaborative playlists app for Apple Music

    Hi, over the course of 6 months I've been developing an app called Mixmate that lets you create, share and collaborate on playlists with your friends via Apple Music. Collaborative playlists are a feature I really missed when switching over from Spotify, so I decided to fill the gap. There's a...
  18. H

    iPhone 5S not keeping playlists

    ive been having a problem with my phone where I will make a playlist but when I hook up the phone to my Mac, the playlist changes. For example, I will have twenty songs on a playlist, all downloaded to the phone, but when I unplug it I am down to sixteen or seventeen. Is there a way to keep my...
  19. cjo85

    Unable to add songs to playlist iOS 9.3

    I have been having trouble adding songs to a playlist on my iPhone 6 Plus. It seems to be an issue with music I've ripped from a CD that is not available in AM. Music I've purchased through iTunes can be added as well as songs I've downloaded with AM. The songs will be added initially and...
  20. robertcoogan

    Smart Playlists not syncing

    I built a Smart Playlist in iTunes on my Mac to replace a previous default playlist that had been deleted (it is the Recently Added smart playlist). But when I sync to my iPhone 6s Plus, the Recently Added smart playlist on my iPhone contains a lot more songs than it should. I am seeing songs...