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  1. E

    Editing Launch Daemons

    Hey Guys, I'm wondering if anyone has advice. I'm trying to edit a launch daemon but I can't gain permissions to do so. I have SIP disabled. I'm logged in as an Admin with root user enabled. But I can't gain access to edit the plist. Obviously I can copy it over to another location edit it...
  2. Stuart Brodie

    MacOS High Sierra Mac Mail Causing Mac to Restart When Opened

    Hi, Last week my iMac (mid-2010 model) began restarting for no reason. After doing some diagnostics I was able to determine it was my mail causing the issue. I'm unable to open the mail to do any further diagnostics within the app. Before I did the step below I would open the mail and the iMac...
  3. organicCPU

    Hide inactive tabs in Window Menu

    Does anyone know how to customize the Finder Menu Bar Window Menu so that it reverts to the former behavior? I'd like that the alphabetically ordered list of open windows at the menu's bottom is showing just the active window tabs again and none of the inactive tabs. TL;DR; Until the switch to...
  4. elvisofdallas

    Duplicating custom macOS Keyboard Shortcuts

    Hi - Is there a way to copy custom keyboard shortcuts in macOS to another Mac? I have quite a few I've built and I'd love to copy them easily, but all I can find is that these shortcuts live in the .plist files (some are system, others are in the application's .plist file). Thanks in advance...
  5. DailySlow

    Why are these installed? VirtualBox Kernel Extensions

    These VirtualBox Kernel extensions ( VBoxUSBTiger, VBoxUSB, VBoxNetFlt, VBoxNetAdp, VBoxDrvTiger, VBoxDrv, and each with no plist and all unsigned) are found in my Mac Mini High Sierra 10.13.2 while I have NEVER installed them, or at least knowingly. Can someone suggest why they are installed? I...
  6. zednud

    Internet Only Works if Internet Sharing Ticked

    Hi, My 2012 MacBook Air (1.7Ghz Core i7, 8GB memory OSX Sierra 10.12.6), is having connectivity issues. My WiFi connection is robust and stable (tested on multiple devices including other MacBook Airs). The only way I can get the internet to work is by turning on Internet Sharing under...
  7. A

    macOS Run Script with Launchd at Login

    I'm attempting to setup a Launch Agent that will run a simple shell script to mount a FUSE drive at login. I have written a .plist file and moved it into the ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ directory (shown below). Both the .plist and the shell script have permissions of 755. I am able to use the...
  8. CharlieJames91

    Printer presets & where to find them?

    Hello forums, I will keep it simple; I am installing a new printer for a group of Mac users. I want to edit the presets so that when they go to print (anything), by default I want the first preset to be double sided black and white by default. At the moment when they go to print, it is...
  9. CharlieJames91

    How to edit login items via Terminal

    Hi. Is there an easy terminal command to place applications in the users login items specifically for 10.10/10.11 I did have a post on this yesterday but it was mis-understood, all I need to know ia if there is an easy terminal command to place apps in the login items. I'm not great with...
  10. CharlieJames91

    Startup Application via terminal

    Hi everyone. Does anyone know how to startup applications via terminal upon startup/login? The machines ae all on 10.11. Please help. Thanks,
  11. CharlieJames91

    Editing/Deleting .Plist?

    Hi. I am trying to edit the saved username/password within Microsoft Lync through the .plist via the user pref folder - I am sure its these .plists that control the username field when the application starts up - but when I edit the .plist they just revert back with the old username. Can...
  12. R

    excel to plist or xml

    Hello, I'm very new to the game here, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am generating a quiz using a platform on Xcode. With roughly 7,000 questions that I have pre-generated in excel format I am trying to find a script which can convert my simple excel spreadsheet into appropriate plist...