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  1. Kizuo

    Looking for an old PowerMac G5 (before late 2005)

    Hey guys, I’m new here. I have recently found an interest in old Macintosh computers and have decided that I want to own a PowerMac G5 as the first Mac of my collection. I am looking for one made before late 2005, because of the power board situation. I am going to collect them just for display...
  2. S

    Can I use my Macbook Pro in a Power Mac G5 ?

    I have a Macbook Pro 15" probably mid 2012 and a Macbook Pro 13" mid 2012. I also have a Power Mac G5 Quad 2.5. I was wondering if i could somehow use the power of one of the Macbooks (after I upgrade the Ram and HD) with the Power Mac. A sort of Frankenstein monster made from the two products...
  3. Mac03ForLife

    Java JDK8 on 10.3.9: Question

    I downloaded the JDK 8 Can I just paste it into the Java folder of the System folder? Does it work that way?
  4. Project Alice

    another g5 startup thread

    Hi all, I have a dual 2.0 G5, it sat for a little over a year but the last time it was hooked up it worked just fine and never really had any issues until now. It starts up, chimes. and thats it. No video. I can hear hard disk activity for a couple seconds, my display light turns green for...