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  1. M

    Powerpoint Mac Animations

    Hello, is there a way in Powerpoint for Mac to change the shape of an animated object? For instance, from a square to a circle? I do not see this in any of the menus.
  2. K

    Find & Replace Automator Quick Action

    Hi all. For pre-translating reasons I would like to make an automator Quick Action that would open PPTX document(s) and find & replace each and every character of each and every text box with * or ? or x. We sometimes get PPTX with some text inserted as image and/or screenshot and we need to...
  3. I

    I can't run Office 2008 beta after copying/pasting the folder on one Mac, but it works fine on another Mac

    Basically, I'm trying to get Office 2008 Beta on a third Mac (all Macs are running 10.12.6 or 10.14.6). What I've done in the past is just copy and paste the Microsoft Office 2008 Beta folder from one Mac to another. It works totally fine from this prior setup. (For reference, I do also have...
  4. N

    Record a Powerpoint presentation with speaker window

    On Powerpoint on PC, I can record a presentation accompanied by a camera recording of the speaker in an inset window. I don't see this option on a Mac anywhere. Is this doable on a Mac—record a presentation including a video of the presenter in an inset window? If this is not doable on ppt on a...
  5. M

    iPad How is Microsoft Office on the base iPad? Is it any different from the desktop version (Windows)?

    I'm thinking of getting a new iPad and the main programs that I want to run is MS Office - Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Is the iPadOS version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint any different from the desktop version (Windows) and what do you get with the Office 365 subscription? Thanks in advance...
  6. C

    iMac, laptop and slide presentations (Powerpoint)

    I'm nearly at that exciting point where I can buy a new Mac to replace my mid 2009 model. I'm going to go for an iMac but I'm dithering over a Mac laptop ... and I can't afford both. The main use of the laptop would be for slide presentations (Keynote > Powerpoint). Does anyone know if it is...
  7. H

    Free Alternatives to MS Office

    I'd like to dump MS Office. The only thing I really use it for is Word. Is there a free alternative for this to use with High Sierra? And is MS Office the only place to get PowerPoint? Thanks
  8. LongRun

    iMac + 10.13.4 + MS Office 2011 Issue

    If I am not asking this in the correct forum please let me know! Trying to load my 2011 MSOffice. But all my disks are upgrades that were on top of MS '97. I have the original 1997 version plus the 2004 + 2011 upgrade disks. Is there a way to get the full OS 2011 version then enter my reg...
  9. L

    Powerpoint freezes when moving/resizing images

    I have an iMac with Sierra and microsoft office 2008. When I'm using powerpoint the program will freeze when I'm moving pictures or boxes around too quickly. If I move the images around slow enough, it seems to not freeze. The only way out of it once the spinning color wheel comes is to...
  10. M

    Incredible keyboard Office Apps

    I am using iPad Pro 10.5 with a Bluetooth keyboard and am getting incredible amounts of lag when I try to enter text into any office suite program - Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. I’m not talking a few fractions of a second, on the order of 3-4 seconds, sometimes with the program locking up...
  11. TugThorburn

    Any Way To Permanently Remove PowerPoint Themes?

    Hi everyone, This is my first time actually posting a question to this forum, so I hope I'm in the right place. I was wondering if anyone knows of away to permanently remove the PowerPoint themes from my Ribbon. I have PowerPoint version 15.37 for MAC. Would love to get rid of those useless...
  12. areskins

    All iPads MS Office 2016 vs Office 365

    Hi, I'm very interested in going ipad only in college and my question is there a difference between MS Word and Excel when buying Office 2016 compared to the ipad versions in office 365? Are the ipad versions (office 365) inferior to the laptop/desktop versions (full MS Office)? I'll be using...
  13. dewjack

    searching intuitive program with wacom.

    Looking for something powerpoint-like in which I can draw _and_ zoom with my wacom tablet in real time. To specify, I will prepare a presentation with a series of images, and then, in front of the audience, draw and zoom in and out on these images, switching easily between them. The function I...
  14. J

    How can I stop Microsoft office programs (Word Excel and PPT) from launching on startup of my mac?

    Hi! I have a macbook pro and run OS X EL Capitan 10.11.5 I have Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac installed, v14.5.6 I have been unable to prevent the Microsoft programs (all 3) from launching automatically when I boot my Mac. I've been into user accounts in preferences, and assured they are not...