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  1. geek2022

    MBP M1 2020- 260 cycle count with 90% capacity- concern to no?

    Got my MBP M1 2020 last year in March. Cycle count 260 and capacity 90% should I be concerned? please help. I use my laptop almost every day. how do I preserve the health ? How about your macs numbers? please share
  2. Y

    Macbook air or pro?

    Hello, Im looking to buy a macbook. Which configuration is better? I need a laptop for casual browsing, netflix, watching live streams on twitch, some school work. I want to be able to have multiple tabs open, keep a few apps running in the background or at the same time without slowing the...
  3. S

    For developers - MacBook Pro 2017 15"

    Hey community, I am a professional developer and looking to buy a new MacBook Pro. Why? Because I am coming from an early 2013 model which shows its ages. As many developers, I heavily rely on the function keys in my preferred editors and development environments. As I see it, the 15" only...
  4. N

    Pro's to PRO, forget about batteries, 64GB

    The new Macbook Pro should focus on Professionals and forget about batteries longevity, most PRO will work together with power and ethernet any way. 64GB of RAM and 8 core i7 extreme (or multi-ARM) will make a big difference and will give the Pro users a platform to consider seriously. Or make...