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  1. B

    Something from apple is coming today

    I just went on the apple website, and I found this when I clicked on “buy” on the iPad Pro page: Something from apple is finally coming, and it’s today !
  2. Haystack Search

    Universal New App for iOS (Search Engine for Products)

    Hey, this is Haystack here. We just recently launched our app on the Apple Store in iTunes. Be one of the first people to download it! Looking for products in local stores in NYC? Haystack helps you explore inventory and find the exact things you need. This is the link to our app...
  3. Apple fanboy

    Review of your purchase

    We have a last purchase thread Post Your Last Purchase XXVIII but we don't have a review thread (well not that I could find). As you may or may not know when you buy products many sites like Amazon will ask you to post a review. However they are also full of fake reviews. So the idea is we...