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  1. Z

    the growing void for a smartphone UI geared for adult business professionals ?

    Pardon this rant but...... As of last week, I moved (not by choice) from an iPhone 6, running "8.2.something" to new shiny 6sPlus running 10.3.1. And… what an eye opener that was. 6’1” 210 lb guys shouldn’t cry, but sometimes it’s just that bad. I feel like I now need to run out and buy a shiny...
  2. vpro

    Lame Arguments against Apple !

    Lame Arguments against Apple ! (The problem is you, yes you behind that device) So many "so called Pro's" are chiming in their angst so I wanted to respond with my Creative and Constructive criticism Productivity isn't about the Products you need, just because they are considered "latest...