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  1. macduke

    Why Apple lost my sale on new MacBook Pros tonight

    That's essentially how my chat sales support went down this evening. What a pile of crap. Add this to other frustrations: 8 core, 11 core, 12 core, 14 core, or 16 core CPU? 10 core, 14 core, 18 core, 30 core, or 40 core GPU? 8GB, 16GB, 18GB, 24GB, 36GB, 48GB, 64GB, 96GB, or 128GB RAM? And you...
  2. M

    I need help making a buying decision!!

    I have a 2013 27 inch iMac and it has gotten so slow as I upgrade to new Mac OS operating systems. I need to buy a new desktop computer very soon but I’m getting tired waiting around for the new iMacs to be released. Now they say they may be released in November! It’s only been over 800 days...
  3. S

    Purchasing assistance for heavy 3d, vfx workflows.

    Hi everyone, I would like to ask you all for your opinions on a potential hardware upgrade. I'll try to provide as much information as possible up front to help better understand my workflow. I am using my workstation for vfx and game art, specifically high quality character modelling...
  4. macduke

    All iPads Buying Advice iPad Pro, Mini and Standard

    Asking now so this doesn't get buried when the new iPads come out. So I've suddenly found myself in an interesting situation. My wife's iPad Mini 2 is now to the point where it's giving her fits. She never complains about technology so when she starts complaining I know it's time to upgrade...
  5. C

    AppleCare Technician Training on Store site I know that this is needed to access the online library of service training but the way the checkout process seems to go is that this is a physical product, rather than an online key of some kind. Has anyone purchased...