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  1. B

    PyQt5 QFileDialog.getOpenFileName has *long* delays

    My machine is a MacBook Pro. My Python 3.7.3 GUI application uses PyQt 5.9.2. The user selects a file to open via a dialog generated by PyQt5.QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName. This application has run perfectly well for several years, under macOS Mojave and prior. Since upgrading...
  2. nettmanek

    PyQt5 and Big Sur

    Hi All, I am programming in python using PyQT5 and I have noticed that none of my apps runs on Big Sur - Python itself works - I have reinstalled PyQt5 and also updated my python to 3.9 version which was released just few days ago but still none of the Qt windows want to open. Anybody know how...