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  1. appgestuerzt

    iPhone NEW iOS REACTION GAME [Ready Steady Gone] [free] [no ads]

    Ready Steady Gone - appgestuerzt + Reaction game + level / enemy + easy game princip DOWNLOADS Appstore: Website-Download: WEBSITE Website: HOW TO PLAY *...
  2. goshya

    Notification clicks: no immediate reaction

    Hello, On my brand new insanely expensive iPhone 7 the first click on a notification often doesn't cause a reaction. Any chance you guys can check whether you have the same problem? Steps to reproduce: 1. Set an alarm for 1 minute. 2. Once the alarm notification shows up pull it down and...
  3. andrewkrasnopolsky

    Universal [Free] Hexabrain - train your memory!

    Hexabrain – is a hexagonal puzzle game that will train and improve your visual memory skills. Training our brain looks almost like working out in a gym. It should also be trained every day. Playing hexabrain even 5 minutes per day should give you decent results. You would be able to visually...
  4. K

    rMBP lowering the resolution to help battery life/less CPU usage?

    Hi! I'm running on a late 2014 Retina MacBook Pro 13" which is a 2560x1600 display (I think). When you go into System Preferences on the display options the "Default for Display" is said to "look like 1280x800". I have QuickRes which is a piece of software that lets you change your resolution...
  5. O

    Universal 5500: Arcade Reaction Challenge

    Hi guys, My friends and I developed an arcade reaction game. It is a real simple game that challenges your reaction. We wanted to bring back games from the arcade days and this is our first step towards this goal. We are excited to share with you 5500: Reaction Arcade Challenge! We will...

    Universal RaisingStacks (Minimalist color-matching game)

    Only .99 cents! (Click anywhere to launch App Store)