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  1. MacLawyer

    Apple Recycle Program Questions

    (This is in USA) I sent a 2013 iMac back to Apple's recycling agent when I purchased a new iMac, expecting to eventually get a credit on my purchase. FedEx says it arrived on June 12. I have no email acknowledging receipt by the agent. I certainly understand it will take the agent some time...
  2. AphoticD

    Early Intel - Trash or treasure? MacBook Pro 2008

    Trash or treasure? In follow up to our Early Intel thread, I just wanted to share a story about this treasure of a Core 2 Duo which I was able to salvage. I recently took a gamble on this rough looking Mac... "APPLE MACBOOK PRO SCREEN SMASHED UNTESTED PARTS ONLY" I had no idea which model...
  3. T

    [Netherlands] Best place for iPhone recycling

    If you're from The Netherlands, I would appreciate your inputs towards places that offer good rates for recycling iPhones. I have used last year and I felt that their rates were quite reasonable. Even now, if I sell off my 7 Plus 256 GB, I can get €680. If you know any other sites or...
  4. M

    Apple's LIAM, the Disassembler

    I found today's Apple Event particularly intriguing when they spoke about LIAM, Apple's iPhone 6 disassembler. Thought I would share the link to this Mashable article that was the outcome of a secret tour of the Liam facility. 11 Seconds is pretty impressive. Would love to see this in action...