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  1. j.tan

    macOS Curious issue with AppleScript and Mac OS Sonoma

    I’m new to AppleScript, and have been writing a script to prepend the current date to an existing file or folder name. The script appears to work well, except for a very specific instance. When using the script to rename a single text file (i.e. a file with the ‘.txt’ extension) on Mac OS Sonoma...
  2. D

    Advanced Batch Renaming

    Hi there, Hope you're well, I'm looking to batch rename folders on files with different town names. E.g. file1.jpg > brighton-file1.jpg (or file1-brighton.jpg) file2.jpg > london-file2.jpg file3.jpg > oxford-file3.jpg and so on about 200 times... Please let me know how this can be achieved...
  3. urbanforces

    bulk naming of files after folders?

    hello. any decent app - free or not - that can add the name of the folder files are in. i have lots of photo and video files that are all named IMG, MAH, DSC etc depending on what i used to take them and have them in folders named for specific projects or subjects i'm working on. is there an app...
  4. S

    macOS Rename Files in Automator Using EXIF Data

    Hello, I mostly use automator to do most of my job as well as renaming files. Now what I would like to do is: 1)Sort files using "EXIF" data created date, if no info of EXIF, sort according to file created date (I do not want to use file created date directly, cause EXIF and this are...