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  1. GoztepeEge

    iCloud Keychain does not get activated after resetting the password on the MacBook

    Hi! I just got an extremely weird issue. I tried to disable the password protection on my MBP, I got system preferences, users&groups, and I just clicked "change password" for my login account on the device. I typed my current password and left blank for the new password, it asked me to make...
  2. N

    Can't connect to iCloud when I tried to reset login password in Yosemite

  3. N

    Can't connect to iCloud when resetting password

    Hi guys. I forgot the login password for my old MacBook Pro. I haven't used it for about a year and a half and when I tried to reset the password earlier today, I tried the command+R terminal method or the single mode. But the disks just didn't show up, and I could not get into single mode...
  4. XxUnkn0wnxX

    macOS Sierra Reset ACL's & Permissions Gone

    Hi, Since the update I have been having some miner issues. now I would usually Reset Home Folder Permissions and ACLS but when I typed in resetpassword command in recovery mode it gave me a new reset password window with no option to select drives just my account username. there was no option...