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right to repair

  1. PinkyMacGodess

    Right to repair: Toyota FJ bleeding the brakes.

    It's driving me nuts. Got all the goodies to do it myself, vacuum bleeder, calipers, pads, rotors. Got everything installed, go to bleed the brakes, NOPE. Ran the bleeder for over a half hour, just spits, no streams. Getting fluid through the system, but not enough to bleed the system. Can't get...
  2. Mac_tech

    Advocate seeks $6 million to fund 'right to repair' action group

    Louis Rossmann of Rossmann Repair Group in New York started a crowdfunding campaign to collect $6 million to bring a "Right to Repair" initiative direct to the voters, in order to skip state legislature. Rossman started the non-profit organization Repair Preservation Group Action Fund, and says...
  3. bladerunner2000

    Apple used ICE to seize Louis Rossmann's shipment of original MacBook batteries

    How and why is Apple's disrespect for the right to repair still not addressed and stopped? Found through reddit at the following link: There's a thread on MR about Apple and planned...