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  1. iMac'd

    Re-install Monterey OS

    Just bought a 2nd hand iMac with Mont. 12 OS. Very bad choice; has anyone managed a reinstall of the OS? I followed the guide and 90 mins later it had the account of prev. owner intact. Also won't allow reg. of Apple ID without offering a reason. I presumed Apple uses RMO* tech. so maybe...
  2. A

    OSX Clock Showing Wrong Year - MessageGate?

    Hi all, This crap with messages arriving out of sync is well known by now and some people have suggested that it's an issue with a device's date/time functions. Lo and behold, my OSX Menu bar clock displays the correct time, day, and date, but when I click for the year, I'm told it's 2015. I've...
  3. cavi

    After 6 month iWork update

    contains only "bug fixes"... while Microsoft managed to bring RTL support and update numerous things in Office suite, Apple managed to fix some bugs... no cross-references no secondary font no track changes in table no document comparison no ability to insert file (which is not a media file...)...