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  1. T

    MacRumors is Covert MS/Windows Site?

    All, As a person who has never owned an Apple product and is in the market for a new laptop I thought I would give my perspective on what I've gathered from this site. I had pretty much made up my mind about the choice I was going to make for a new 13" laptop. The final specifications and...
  2. W

    End of an era... After 9 years of a new iPhone on launch day... it's over

    After 9 years of successfully getting the new iPhone on launch day whether through a pre-order or camping out over night... It's a sad day. My efforts started last night at the Apple store, where managers turned us away for IUP's that got all the 7+'s... then at the AT&T flagship store which...
  3. W

    My tragic newbie Mac experience *sniff*

    hihi all, i'm a lifetime Windows user and know very little about OS X. a Mac virgin. a Mac dummy. a Mac n00b as it were. but thanks to this forum, many questions and concerns i had were answered and i was able to come to a decision. Jan 6: i place the following order: including...