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  1. X

    how to count number of open tabs in Safari or DuckDuckGo browser?

    Is there a way to count the number of open tabs (and ideally also windows) in Safari or DuckDuckGo browser? Firefox has this built in, but I can't find a simple way to do this in either Safari or DDG on macOS.
  2. N

    Safari Google Search Results Turn Bold Automatically on my iPhone

    When I am searching something on safari, the search results sometimes become bolded and when I refresh the same page, the text becomes normal. I have attached the screenshot of this issue!
  3. M

    What is the best adblocker for Safari 14 on macOS Big Sur?

    Hi! I have tried to read several places about the best adblocker for Safari 14 on macOS Big Sur. Its first time I am using Safari. Can anyone recommend me a good adblocker or do anyone know which one is the best? Thank you!
  4. beowulf70

    iCloud Mail freezes

    Is anyone else experiencing iCloud Mail freezes in Safari? 'Site not responding' errors. Spinning wheel of death... This is not an IP issue. Two different iMacs. Two different IP addresses/locations. Current one: OS: OX X El Capitan Version 10.11.6 Safari: Version 10.1.2 (11603.3.8)