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safari 17

  1. E

    Safari 17.1+ won't load non-secure pages?

    As far as I can tell, Safari 17.1 and later versions won't load non-secure http:// pages, no matter what I do. It seems to insist on replacing http:// with https:// and then getting a 404 error when the non-existent https:// page can't be found. All the methods I've seen for fixing this problem...
  2. petekjohnson

    Safari navigation scrolling buggy

    This started around the 3rd developer beta and i've submitted Feedback 3 times but it hasn't been fixed. Safari is REALLY difficult to use right now. You're scrolling down a site and see a link you want to click on. Well, Safari registers your click on some other element on the page...
  3. tasssilo

    Major Text Rendering Bug in macOS Safari 17.0

    Since upgrade to Safari 17.0 (macOS 14.0), double quotation marks appear in rendered html text. This is a bug in Safari rendering / character encoding. It seems that new line returns within the html code of the text (which are usually ignored in rendering) are translated into a double quotation...
  4. walterhpdx

    Sonoma Safari breaks website layout

    Installed Sonoma and updated to Safari 17 and all goes well - until I go to admin an open source software package I have, and Safari's broken. I'm working tag wrangling for a story archive, written in ruby on rails, and Safari is no longer painting screens the way they did prior to the upgrade...
  5. X

    Downgrade Safari 17 beta for MacOs Ventura to Safari 16

    I installed the Safari 17 beta for MacOs Ventura last week but I've found some glitches that make my UX work unreliable. Is there a safe, clean way to revert back to Safari 16? Thank you
  6. JonathanParker

    Apple has completely removed ProMotion from Safari starting in Safari 17/macOS Sonoma

    This is not a visual change in the Developer context menus either, the "WebKitExperimentalPreferPageRenderingUpdatesNear60FPSEnabled" has been completely removed from the Safari Plist.