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sata cable

  1. DrEGPU

    MP 7,1 10 pin sata power max power limit?

    The Mac Pro 7,1 has a 10 pin socket that is used to power 2x sata drives. Does anyone know the power limit for this? I’d like to use it to power 4x drives with a custom cable of course. Hopefully it can handle ~90W?
  2. iBoss101

    Mid-2010 MBP Hard drive cable failure

    Hey everyone, I recently started refurbing on my old 2010 MBP and have run in to some problems. First problem that I am having is the battery was bulging and pressing the trackpad up so that it would no longer click, but I have resolved that by simply removing the battery for now, and I intend...
  3. Pentaxer

    Designing the MAGIC power cable SATA – GPU

    Greetings! Need help in designing of useful item for MacProOwners – efficient power cable for GPU. Short reading I am designing the MAGIC cable to power GPU from SATA effectively. Need help. Anybody will be able to buy it from the workshop directly. Long reading High performance GPUs need a...
  4. T

    Resolved SSD not working internally (mid-2012, Crucial MX500)

    Hi, I have just bought an SSD (Crucial MX500). After many attempts and various problems along the way I have FINALLY managed to clone successfully using Carbon Copy Cloner. My drive is now bootable from a USB-SATA cable by starting up with option key. So clearly the drive is ok. However, when...
  5. U

    SATA cable, HDD or worse?

    Hello folks, been a while! This is a long one but I feel the detail is required to hopefully determine the problem. I very recently upgraded my late 2011 MBP 13" from Mavericks to Sierra. It went fine, seemed to run well for a day... then it slowed down, and my apps stopped opening. Naturally...
  6. keysofanxiety

    UK - where to buy a decent 15" 2012 cMBP SATA cable?

    Hi guys, So I think the SATA cable on my trusty MBP is on its way out. I know eBay have a lot but in my experience they're not going to be good and certainly not going to be genuine, despite what the listing says. I could go iFixit but then that's an arm and a leg for the part and then about...
  7. G

    2014 27" Power & Data Cable combo

    Has anybody used the apple 923-0312 for the 2012/13 iMac to replace the listed part 923-00092. iFixit and powerbookmedic are both out of stock. Everybody else wants twice as much plus crazy shipping. Rinbers sell the former and claims it will work on the '14. I was seeing if anybody actually has...
  8. Ncaroline

    iMac doesn't recognize new hard drive

    Hopefully somebody here can help me. A few weeks ago my iMac wouldn't turn on anymore and I brought it in. The guy told me that the hard drive is bad and needs to replaced. He wanted to $225. At this point i didnt wanted to spend that money on my iMac mid 2010, so I thought I will give it a shot...
  9. S

    2011 MBPro SATA cable

    Hi My early 2011 MBpro recently had problems booting and after lots of fault finding I got the problem down to the main HDD bay as my boot disks worked fine out of the DVD bay. Ive got 3 boot disks (2 x SSD and 1 mac HDD) which all boot fine on the second bay but wouldn't on the main. After...
  10. T0bra

    SSD/SATA problem on MBP early 2011

    Hi everyone, I tried to upgrade my macbook pro (13-inch, Early 2011 - OSX Sierra 10.12.1, all specs below*) with an SSD Crucial MX300. It worked, but at some point (after few weeks) the system started to get stuck. The only way to recover the laptop was to issue an hard reboot each time this...
  11. J

    Sata pcie splitter

    Hi everyone Just wondering how people generally feel about/ what experience people have with using Sata to 6 pin y cables to run a graphics card? I have access to an rx470 with 8 pin that has a tpd of over 150 so intend to use both the board 6 pins to run it. It'd be nice to be able to keep my...
  12. Nessdufrat

    Sata cable questions on iMac late 2013 21.5"

    Hi! Several questions here. First things first: I found this IMac in the trash. yes. Crazy. so it was kind of broken, the glass panel was shattered, the hard drive was missing, the power board was toast, the power button had been glued to the metal casing for whatever reason... this iMac had...
  13. A

    Can not format or erase hard drive using disk utility

    I was having boot issues where I couldn't boot into OSX. Thought the hard drive was bad. So I installed OSX on a flash drive, booted with that drive and used Diskwarrior to save my files. I purchased a new hard drive and tried 100 different times to format the drive using disk utility. It would...
  14. babyinateacup

    Mid 2011 Mac Mini Hard Drive Cable

    Hi All, apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place, however, it does say 'Mac Mini' ;-) I recently bought a 2nd hand Mid 2011 Intel Mac Mini (2.3ghz). I wanted a techie to add another hard drive to it using the dual hard drive kit, however, it would appear that the person who sold me the...
  15. fearN4UT

    My SSD not recognized in 2006 MBP

    Hello this is my first forum post ever. (My main computer is a Vaio Laptop and I have a desk external HDD.) I am posting because I was gifted a MacBook Pro 2006 non-unibody A1150 Core Duo 1.86(not Core 2 Duo). My boss didn't want it and so my wife wanted a Mac just to do simple school work on...