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  1. T

    macOS Ventura: Email - Schedule Sending with Image - Image Disappears and is not included?

    Anyone else having this problem? I just tried to schedule-send an email, then went back into the Send Later folder to see the email there, but the in-line, in-text image was not there. I've tried putting the image as a copy-and-paste (from a screenshot) but also from clicking the actual 📎 icon...
  2. U

    Multiple sleep schedules with breaks on any day with sleep App on Apple Watch?

    Is it possible to set up multiple sleep schedules on any single complete day with Apple Watch sleep App. There will be time breaks between any two sleep schedules. For example , sleep schedules are: 10 pm to 4 am; 8 am to 12 pm. Cumulative sleep time taking the two sleep schedules will then be...
  3. S

    iPhone Play music on a daily schedule.

    Hi, I need help soon for an art installation. I need my iPhone to play a specific song on a daily schedule and start and stop at a specific time. Is there a way to do this on iOS with calendar or any app? Please help! Thanks.
  4. ZapNZs

    UPS + MBP - Setting MBP to automatically force quit Apps & shut down at a certain battery percentage

    I would like to have a means of setting my MacBook Pro (2014 15in, El Cap 10.11.6) to shut down at something like 95% capacity remaining when running on battery power, and that this shutdown will override any save-change dialogs and, if necessary, force quit all open Apps to ensure a successful...
  5. M

    Calendar Creates Ghost Events While Clicking

    Using Calendar app on Sierra 10.12.4. While navigating or creating events on calendar events will suddenly get created without intention. Specifically when I have one event highlighted, then click on another day (Single click, not double or drag). Suddenly a new event will be created between the...
  6. KRF1992

    Best Schedule Design Apps

    Hello, Sorry if this is in the wrong area or if I am using the wrong terms. I am looking for an app to design a schedule. I am tired of using Pages. Can someone point me in the direction of a good program for the Macbook Pro that I can develop a schedule that looks like this...