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  1. nandosb

    Problem with my screen

    Today my MacBookPro display like this. What do you suggest? In the beginning, it started only when I used Teams. However, now it happens all the time. Somebody had this problem before?
  2. H

    iPhone X App Library Only vs Hidden Home Screens

    Which have you found yourself using more so far? I can't really find much of a use for hiding home screens, when you can just move an app entirely being "library view only." Initially, I planned to keep everything on home screens - but hidden - for the sake of being able to quickly take stock of...
  3. L

    Best/fav Remote Desktop app (Jump, Screens, etc)

    Hello, I use Remote Desktop apps frequently from my iPad Pro and even my iPhone. Most connect to Win 10 (though this will be fading away as soon as I can), plus also Linux and in the near future, a Mac Mini. I’ve used Chrome Remote Desktop (which I’ve abandoned due to concerns about privacy)...
  4. C

    iPad Pro Screens for the iPad Pro - how effective is it?

    Seriously considering picking up an iMac and iPad Pro combo given the MBP farce (which would be my ideal choice). The iPad Pro would tick most boxes, apart from file management and access when on the go. Enter Screens.... I'm thinking this may help bridge that gap, and still allow me to access...
  5. llewmihs

    Screen swapping on OS 10

    Hey, First post - be gentle. I work at a Mac using two screens and multiple desktops. One screen is smaller than the other and so at time I have my main work on the large screen and research on the smaller. Is there a way I can quickly swap the two screens? So that I can swap the display on...
  6. AmazingHenry

    Unplug Internal iMac Screen?

    So I have an iMac, late 2006, with an 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo. It has a 17 inch screen, but that screen has been going crazy lately. It's completely unusable. So I've attached an Apple Cinema Display (the older model, with no camera), which I use as the main one. The problem is, whenever I boot from...
  7. randomnorwegian

    Can Macbook 2016 run two 27" screens?

    Hi. I got a new Macbook at work, and I have a terrible 21" screen I use in the office. I want to get the office-setup as efficient as possible and thus wonder what a new macbook can run. I only use it for mail, office, SuperOffice etc. so no heavy lifting, just loads of multitasking. There was...