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  1. RazorBackXX

    OS X macOS Game Mode vs. renice -20: Combining for better performance?

    "I'm trying to optimize game performance on my Mac and I'm curious about combining two different performance-boosting methods: 1. macOS Game Mode: I know this built-in feature prioritizes game performance when running full-screen. I think it allocates more system resources to the game, reduces...
  2. MendyLanda

    Problem fixed: How to keep a bluetooth connection on forever!

    Hi everyone 👋 Recently I bought a bluetooth speaker and I noticed that when my mac goes to sleep, the bluetooth connection is lost and I have to reconnect to the speaker every time I wake up my mac. I tried to searching for a solution but I couldn't find anything that worked for me. So I...
  3. DavidR3906

    Help using automater

    So I finally got a MacBook Air. I've used Bootcamp to load a Windows operating system. The windows portion is easy to switch back to Mac being they have the icon in the task bar you can click on. I've been searching online for a quick fix for the OS X side that I can just click on and have it...