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  1. D

    when sending an audio file (e.g., .aiff ) is my mac username visible?

    i want to send a few songs two a friend from a forum, but would prefer he not know my mac username, which is visible, for me at least, in itunes if you click on the song, go to file and see location. my mac username is also visible when you click for more info about the file just in the finder...
  2. wozmatic

    iOS12 home button reachability is very sensitive now. Anyone else?

    I'll mention that I went from iOS 10 to 12 and with iOS10 I've never once had a reachability issue when double tapping the home button (iPhone 7) However, half a day with iOS12 and it's already happened 20 times, very annoying. What gives? Anyone else getting this? I like to use the...