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  1. A

    "Core" app for MacOs and MacFinder

    I had a mac mid2017 some years ago that i bought from an old service building with two corious apps one called "core" and another one called "MacFinder" Both where designed by apple but i dont have luck finding them becase that mac HDD is dead so i want to know where i get thise apps again...
  2. Bill Gatin

    I have a problem using my AirPods at work

    I think they might be automatically trying to connect to my coworker's AirPods, but I don't see how this would even be a problem because her AirPods would not be registered as being owned by me. There is bad service in the building where I work so I can understand how Spotify would be an issue...
  3. Cide

    Service Battery came up when I hit 175 Cycles - But still has 3 Hours battery - Why? False Alert?

    Hello again, I am just wondering if anyone could give me insight into a battery issue that's come up with my MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2012, According to the Apple Serial Number Lookup for 15" MacBook Pro's and other models affected with recalled batteries, this unit was already serviced. It just...
  4. J (not responding)

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else got this problem. my "" at some point stops working. I can't quit and restart the service. It seems to occur randomly after some time passed but stays until I reboot my Mac. Since I don't restart often, this service stays "(not...
  5. M

    Macbook Pro 16 2019 kernal panic problems

    I've gotten a macbook pro 16 back in december 2019. long story short, it suffered kernal panics and was kindly replaced by apple 2 months after my 1 year for free from apple in early 2021. (march i think) the first time it was replaced the keyboard had only half part functioning then I was upset...
  6. GoztepeEge

    MBP Battery Replacement Service takes long at Apple?

    Hello! Last week, on 02.12.2021, I went to Apple Store Munich due to a battery problem with my MBP early 2015 13”. They got the device, and a paid battery replacement process has started. The genius bar told me that it was going to take 5-7 days. I accepted. After he got the computer, I...
  7. honglong1976

    AirPods Pro - Worst support experience with a good outcome.

    Hi everyone. I love my AirPods Pro and noticed a weird rattling on one ear bud, then both, and a screech if I put my finger near the earbud. I contacted Apple to replace them under the repair programme. Dead easy so far. They sent me a box, I posted them. They repair and returned them. Super...
  8. bhope95

    iPhone An Apple Only Photo & Video Sharing Service

    Hey guys, I just released my first app iOS app Gala. Apple has been building up their services departments however they don't have anything for photo & video sharing which is a surprise since they hate FB/Insta + want to protect privacy and there are already trillions of photos and videos stored...
  9. kronopio

    Artifacts in game - problem with graphics card or software? (MBP 2017, i5, 13")

    Hi guys! I purchased a used MBP 2017 13 "in place of my old 13" MBP mid-2014. To my surprise, despite the newer graphics cards in MBP 2017, there were artifacts in specific conditions that did not occur at all with the older graphics card in MBP mid-2014. How it looks like I have: 1. MBP 2017...
  10. I

    *** trying to create a service in MacOS Catalina ***

    Hi all, looking for some assistance. I've installed a Prometheus monitoring server on a Mac mini (OS Catalina) and now trying to configure one of its components using instructions that are designed for Linux. I've reached the last stage of the instructions that detail how to create and...
  11. Z

    eradicating hostile emails

    Is there some online service dedicated in doing the job that email clients cannot fulfil 100% ? That job is eradicating and blocking spam/phishing emails etc. that trying to trick people.
  12. D

    Did Apple remove the service that was able to check the warranty status of its products?

    Just as the title says: I can´t find anymore the webpage or service that Apple has always offered in which you could just check the warranty status of any of their products by introducing its serial number in a form together with a captcha verification code. Does anyone knows if it was...
  13. G

    Open letter to Tim Cook

    I try for weeks to get a copy of my AppleWatch 4 invoice, but it seems too difficult for Apple to do that. As I live in the philippines I have no official Apple Store to go to, and unfortunately all official ways didn't work yet. I know it's christmas, but as is a public known...
  14. Stuey3D

    iPhone Anyone else noticing slight weaker/erratic cellular service since iOS13?

    I’m not sure if this is just me looking for a problem or if it’s unrelated to the beta but since update to iOS 13 me cellular service seems weaker. Driving round my village with CarPlay the signal meter is all over the place going from 1 bar Edge all the way up to 4 Bar 4G (LTE) however when...
  15. nerdbert

    Warranty starts with shipping date?

    Hi, according to my 2018 MBP is out of warranty after 18 July. However, on this day last year it was shipped from China and it took until the 27th before it arrived in Germany. It's very hard to get an appointment at our local Apple store and I'd like them to...
  16. B

    How to know if a 'new' claimed iPad is refurbished?

    Hi all, My 10.5 iPad bent slightly in my backpack, then proceeded to bend more and more until it would no longer turn on. Apple refused to repair it, of course, and so I paid for a replacement. Six months later the 'new' iPad suddenly has lines all across the display and will no longer work...
  17. J

    Remove services in Mojave

    I upgraded from OS X Mountain Lion OS to Mojave. I want to remove the following services on Mac OS X, but I think their names are changed. How can I remove these service via sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ The services that I want to remove: the first line is the...
  18. Fusionskies

    Apple can’t repair my Apple Watch?...

    Hi, I’ve had an Apple Watch since day 0, and earlier this year the back popped off, so I sent it back, and received a replacement. Later on, the screen on the replacement started to die, so I sent it back again for another replacement. I got a new one the other day and the side button is very...
  19. pulkas

    Macbook Pro 2015 13" randomly crashes after drained to 0 batter while sleep

    I have bought my mac from a seller, which was used for demostration on sell point.It has full 2 year apple service covarage.It was only 61 battery cycle when i bought. I owned and used this machine 1 month.One week or so I havent used my mac, kept it sleeping, and last week I have opened the...
  20. M

    IPhone 7 Stuck In Recovery Mode No Way Out

    Hello, So about a week and a half ago my phone started to display "no service" and "searching" in the top left. It started off subtle, but after a day or two my phone was a brick without wifi. Even under settings it said my phone number was unknown and I had no carrier (I have verizon). It...