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  1. nfable

    Weird shadow color / contrast from colored LED event lights on iPhone HDR in FCPx

    Using iPhone 12 Mini recording a charity concert at a local theatre and editing in FCPx. I notice on some of the scenes, the shadows look really odd. Shadows on the stage from colored LED back lights look almost 'punched out', it is difficult to explain - where a shadow you'd think would be...
  2. flatjuba

    Turning off the shadow in Sorbet

    Is there a way to turn off the shadow effect in Sorbet?
  3. F

    iPhone 11 Iphone 11 notch shadow problem

    I have noticed a shadow around the notch in my iphone 11 then i went to the apple care store they told me its normal and already in all iphone 11’s versions Did anyone notice it too? I cant help it and see it everytime my phone is in dark place with white background
  4. amgff84

    Shadow Cloud Gaming on MacOS... & GeForce Now.

    *****Update***** *****Information is out of date! Shadow was bought by another company who raised the price. It still seems to be a good service, but just know that it will cost more money and the hardware may be different.***** For those who don't know, Shadow is a cloud gaming service. What...
  5. Z

    Dock shadow issue

    I am having a really annoying shadow around the dock. If I hide the dock the shadow goes away with it, so this shadow is clearly attached to the dock. I want it to disappear.
  6. Amanpreet96

    iPhone X front camera shadow

    Hi. I have been using the iPhone X’s front camera in recent days and have faced no issues when taking selfies. However, this morning, I noticed a faint shadow appearing on top of my head when I attempted to take a selfie (see attached photo above). Subsequent attempts resulted in the same...
  7. DanielCoffey

    Shadow on Apple Cinema Display 27"

    I have owned my 27" Apple Cinema Display since new in late 2010 and it has just suddenly (today) developed a linear shadow in the top right corner and all down the right side. I do not believe this is the "fine dust under the screen" issue that has plagued iMacs due to their fans drawing in...