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  1. TimmKook

    iPhone 14 Pro (and Max) CAMERA TEST Thread (Troubleshooting)

    GOOD MORNING! If your iPhone 14 Pro (or Pro Max) camera has gone haywire and got all shakey, you might be wondering if the camera module has been damaged. How would you know? Well, that's where this thread comes in. If you have an iPhone 14 Pro (or Pro Max), PLEASE check and let everyone...
  2. A

    Apple Murdered "Shake" > Where is Phenomenon? 3D / Foundry?

    What are the alternatives to Foundry (Nuke/Katana/Mari, etc.) on Mac? Foundry are ditching Mac, like Apple disgracefully ditched "Shake"! 3D is going to explode in the near future, with VR/metaverse, Indie/home movie producers, etc. These new high performance Macs are great and all but where...
  3. F

    Universal [Too Hot for App Store] "Bounce & Jiggle Pictures" (Boobs) for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

    Greetings, MacRumors, I am Nick. This is my new app, I have worked very hard on it and I know you will like it!!! "Me and my son are having a blast with this app! Love the animation loops and control options! Can’t...