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shared photo streams

  1. A

    Importing Shared Photos only gives you low quality?

    Hi guys, so we love to use the shared photo streams feature. Immediately your friends can contribute to lets say the album 2017_08_18_London Visit and everyone would have every photos. Even Mommy can see the photos at home immediately on the apple TV as a screensaver. However, once you start...
  2. E

    iCloud Shared Photo albums, comments, and Activity stream

    I'm trying to understand how the Activity stream is supposed to work for Shared Photo albums. When I create an iCloud Shared Photo album, and one of the people I shared the album with leaves a comment or Likes a photo, I see it on the activity stream. It also seems like when someone leaves a...
  3. K

    unsubsribed from shared photo album and cant find album on any ios device

    Hi Experts. I had created a family vacation album as a shared album on icloud photos library. I was inviting a few more people. I have 2 phones (5c and 5s) and have logged in with same apple account on both phones. So whenever i update the shared vacation album it gets updated on both phones...
  4. M

    Shared Photo Streams offline viewing

    Currently it is cumbersome to view Photos stored in iCloud on the iPhone because they are not downloaded for offline viewing. There are only thumbnails which are on the phone and every time one taps a photo it is first blurry and has to load the actual high-res version which takes a second or...