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  1. E

    Make PDF

    Am I the only one drawing a blank on generating PDFs through scripts, quick actions, shortcuts, etc? There's very rarely any error message; it just does ... nothing. Press the keyboard shortcut, right-click the script or action in the context menu, etc --> nothing happens and I can't find a new...
  2. E

    Focus and Automation help for silentmode.

    Hello everyone, first of all I wanna wish a "Happy New Year" to you guys! :) 🥂 I have a question, maybe you guys can help me out. I'm owning an iPhone 14P and a AW8 and I wanna create a Focus/Automation. It should contain the function when I go to work (easy doable with GPS tracking) the...
  3. nad0102

    Minimise all active windows

    I only know Command + M is to minimize current active window but trying to find a short-cut to minimize all active windows. Anyone know?