iPhone 13 Pro Max w iOS 16:
I see I can click hold to create a silhouette in photos, but how do I use the silhouette? If I click off or drag off the silhouette it disappeared. I spent weeks creating silhouettes the old pre computer days, I love this ability now.
In addition to soliciting interest here, does anyone know the best place to unload a full set of likely fairly rare Apple iPod subway posters from Apple's original silhouette campaign. (French) size 69" x 47".
I bought these off a guy who took them down from the French subway and shipped them...
I currently use a program called Silhouette Connect and they haven't released a 64 bit version of the app yet. They are almost always about a year behind on releases for that app, the version that support Adobe CC 2019 was just released a couple months ago. Really don't want to have to wait...
Those apple ads for the iPod/itunes promos with the black dancing figures are quite awesome. Are there any tutorials on how to make such artwork for still images and not necessarily videos?