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  1. Adam1988

    Who can help me get a good cheap MBP 2017 or 2018

    HELLO EVERYONE! I am trying to get a new macbook pro since i been stationed all my time with my imac. Will someone be helpful to be nice to me and guide me where i can get a cheap macbook pro 2017 or 2018? I never had a macbook pro and im looking to invest for the long run like 10 years or...
  2. poizonx

    Deal on new macbook pro skylake or take new kabylake

    Hi all guys, right now I'm writing from a mild macbook pro 13 of late 2010. Long story short. I live in Italy and I can take a new macbook pro 13 inch with touch bar of 2016 for 1725€ (2029.96 USD) it's not refurbished it's new and of course the chip is skylake. Second option is to take the...
  3. S

    MBP 2016 16gb vs MBP 2017 8gb

    I need some help from people maybe know about these 2 models which one to choose given I'm doing video editing. Not sure if Kaby will win over skylake which has more ram? or I'm wrong?
  4. S

    MBP 15'' 2015 vs MBP 13'' 2016, 2017

    I'm looking to buy a new MBP. I need to playback and edit 4k Video from my H.264 camera + hero5. these are the below options I got, sadly can't afford go higher on 2016 15''. Which one do you think would be the best? Prices are adjusted from top to bottom - cheapest to more expensive. - 13''...
  5. P

    Netflix 4K Support? HDCP 2.2 Compliance On 2016 MacBook Pro 15"?

    Hey everyone! It is known that Netflix 4k support is on Kaby Lake processors only. In addition to running on Windows 10 Edge browser only as well. All in all, it is all due to Kaby Lake having HDCP 2.2 DRM hardware...
  6. Nbnewcar

    Touchbar MBP 13" i5,i7, or base 15"?

    Hello all!, Im looking to purchase a MBP for final cut and photoshop. Im struggling to figure out wether it is worth the extra $200 to go for the i7 vs the upgraded i5. Is .2 GHz going to make such a big difference in rendering time? Im planning on running the 256 ssd and 16gb of ram. I know the...
  7. WRONG

    Thoughts about the real value of the MBP, opportunity-cost and future of the Mac systems

    Hello there friends! Greetings to everyone. I want to open this thread as a sort of reflection about the value of the currents MBPs, plus how is going to end up in the future. I’ll try to be brief. (note: I'll always and only refer to the new 15" MBP, not the 13") As a lot of you, after...
  8. 10smom

    How much more Powerful will New MB Pro Be?

    Hey how much more Powerful is ThAn 15 inch Macbook pro 2012 maxed out? I am frustrated by spinning wheels waiting for things to process. Thanks
  9. wozmatic

    MacBook Pro (Oct 27 2016) Price Predictions?

    What do you think the new models will cost?
  10. wozmatic

    Do you think it's disrespectful to customers that Apple hasn't released a MacBook Pro since May 2015

    Over 500 days since the last Retina MacBook Pro was released.
  11. dj23andMe

    Skylake MacBooks - silent update next week

    Forbes reports Apple began production of new MacBooks in the second quarter of 2016. Pointing to Skylake not Kaby Lake CPUs. Reports students have been holding off from buying new Macbooks at the Stanford campus computer store perhaps puts tremendous pressure on Apple to update sooner rather...
  12. Uni Grad

    Things YOU Like/Dislike about macOS

    The title speaks for itself. What are things that we like about MacOS, what are things we don't and what are things we wish for to be incorporated into upcoming version?
  13. wozmatic

    Do you think the New MacBook Pro will have up to 32GB RAM?

    It almost makes so much sense to have the option of up to 32GB RAM that it wouldn't make sense to only offer up to 16GB The Dell XPS 15 is the direct competition and it offers 32GB, and user expandable at that! 16GB would be ok with me but would it ever be great to have 32GB or at least the...
  14. wozmatic

    Would you rather see a thinner new MBP or same size?

    Personally, I'm getting upset with Apple desperately trying to make their devices thinner and lacking improvement on function. I'd rather see the new MBP have the same thickness as the 2012 model is that meant a better battery, quieter fan, and overall cooler temperature. Do you think the...
  15. R

    Skylake: is it worth the wait?

    Hi, as a lot of people on the forum I was waiting for the new skylake MPB in march, then in June and now, well, you know the story. But as I was looking for what the competitors are offering, it seems that there is not a big difference in performance between Haswell and Skylake (around 6%)...
  16. C

    Help for a semi-clueless college kid

    Hi guys. Some basic background info. Just graduated high school from a school with a 1-1 laptop program. I've been using an 11 inch MBA for 3 years now and Im In the market for a new laptop. I definitely want a Mac because that's what I'm used to and it's been so consistent for me. Plus...
  17. wozmatic

    Is there customer demand for a new MacBook Pro?

    I'm just curious if we're crazy outsiders to want a new MBP? I've seen A LOT of people on here wanting a MBP but Apple hasn't been too helpful on this front. Based on the products released by Apple, I think THEY think that consumers only want small thin laptops for surfing the internet and...
  18. nicovh

    Waiting 4 Skylake extention - What size rMBP Poll

    Click on which option you would like to get. And if you'd like, you can post desired specs below!
  19. GooBoyGle

    Should I buy an iMac 5k or a MacBook Pro?

    Hi, Since my old laptop broke I need a new machine to do my daily tasks on. I've been wondering which device I should get, either the iMac 5k or MacBook Pro 15 inch. I don't have the money to max them both out so the price needs to be around 2000 euros. I mainly do light tasks like watching...
  20. Rumourhasit

    How old is too old?

    Hi, I have 15in early-2013 rMBP and I'm desperate to get either a 13 rMBP or rMB when they finally update them with skylake. Essentially there's not much wrong with my current one, had it about 3yrs now, so can I justify getting a new one? thanks!