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  1. Gst95

    Mac has high temperature while running games, is this a concern?

    Hello, So I've recently started testing a game (Skyrim Special Edition, on Bootcamp to be exact) on both my Macs, one of which is an iMac and the other a MacBook Pro. Now, I'm perfectly aware that Macs aren't really designed for gaming, and while I have considered something a little more...
  2. AvengerNX08

    tMBP 15 2016 - Bootcamp - Skyrim Sound Issues

    Some of you have already tried Skyrim in Boot camp on the new tMBP, did you also experience sound issues there? Both Skyrim and Skyrim Enhanced have these issues, where you can hear some sounds, but not all of them. In game music doesn't work either. Strangely enough, Fallout 4 works great, just...