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sleep cycle

  1. W

    Slept Longer Than Time in Bed

    I'm using an Apple Watch 9 with watchOS 11, and I noticed an inconsistency in my sleep tracking data. The app shows I was asleep for 7 hours and 14 minutes, but I was only in bed for 7 hours and 3 minutes. Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any insights?
  2. greedist

    Is my MacBook Pro's sleeping cycle normal?

    I'm currently using the aldente app and Belkin dock pro3, but I don't know what's wrong. I need help 🙏 I'm currently using smb and sftp, so I checked if there was an incoming signal with the tcpdump command, but there was no problem. Thank you in advance 🙏
  3. O

    Do we still have a 24 hour clock in sleep settings in iOS 15?

    In iOS14 the analog clock for setting up the sleep time changed to a non-standard 24 hour analog clock, I wonder if in iOS 15 it changed back to a 12 hour standard analog clock. It is much easier to adjust the sleep time range in an 12 hour analog. Can we really sleep 23 hours? Found this...
  4. restrisegrow

    iPhone Rest Rise Grow - Motivational and Sleep App

    Hello, This is our first App in the Apple App Store. A little about me, I started programing when I was 11 years old on an Apple ][+. That started my love for technology. I got to work for some of the big names Seagate/Oracle. Then went on to consulting. My wife was part of the team that...
  5. N

    Universal Is there an app so I can use my iPod Thouch as a Bluetooth microphone for my iPhone?

    I have the Sleep Cycle alarm app, but I usually just turn it off and go back to sleep. I want to put my iPhone on my dock across the room so I have to get up to turn it off, but it needs to be next to your bed for the app to function. Is there some sort of app that will allow me to use my old...