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  1. prymitywista

    brand new M1 battery issue - Monterey 12.3

    Hello, the brand new macbook air m1 came to me yesterday evening and around 1:30 a.m I've put it into sleep mode with 40% battery. Today morning (after ~8h) I wanted to turn on my mac and battery was discharged - I had to plug charger to turn it on (and then mac showed me 10% - so why it was...
  2. voraciousvegan

    Other Have you fallen asleep on TOP of your iPhone, or put it under your pillow when you sleep?

    I have an iPhone 13, this crossed my mind recently. I have a habit of falling asleep with the phone in my hands, while I'm watching something or grab it to turn the alarm off, and invariably I wake up with it under me (usually on my side). Although I'm light, I wonder if the pressure of the...
  3. Nein01

    External speaker not recognizing Spotify audio signal?

    Hey everyone, I'm having a really weird problem lately that I can't seem to figure out. My external speaker (it's this one) has a built-in power saving function to shut down after 10 minutes if no audio is being played. I listen to music constantly while I work, and I have this speaker hooked...
  4. Joshoon

    Mac makes me tired, it won't sleep!

    Hi there, So I've been using my Macbook for years now, and I started to use my Macbook as a desktop more and more. So I decided to get a Mac Mini instead, it looks a bit cleaner on the desk, and it's works better as a desktop in my opinion. I was very happy with it at first, it's not the...
  5. celestialbrat

    Macbook shutting down when closed and plugged In

    Macbook 13inch mid 2012 Running on Yosemite 10.10.05 Despite what I do to my power settings my macbook will shut completely down when plugged in after about an hour. But will stay in sleep mode for days/ until it runs out of power when not plugged in. Seem like something is backwards here...