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  1. arkieboy72472

    Will this fix my Thunderbolt Monitor?

    I have a nice old school 27" Apple Thunderbolt monitor. I have opened it up after acquiring it and cleaned it out etc. It has one issue. After a bit of use, the smell that comes from it is caustic. I have heard this smell is from a failing power supply and that this is a known thing. My monitor...
  2. M

    Apple LED Display Smell

    Hello, I never thought I would be posting something that sounds so silly, but I have to know if it's just this display or not. I recently got an Apple 27inch LED Display from ebay and it smells like BO. I'm not kidding. It's gross. do this display have any history of smelling bad? I've...
  3. PinkyMacGodess

    Apple USB-C Charge Cable (2m) problem.

    I've purchased two of the 'official' Apple USB-C Charge Cable (2m) cables, and they REEK!!! They smell like they have been in a dungeon with mold growing off everything, and are STICKY, like there is something on them. I mean, the smell is nauseating, and the stickiness is CREAPY! Strange thing...
  4. A

    Other What would cause a burning smell everytime i charge my old iphone 4?

    I posted a similar question before, but i wanted to make this one a little more broad and to the point. I have an old iphone 4 (not a current phone being used just a phone i use for pictures and stuff ) But i noticed a burn plasticy smell the other day that happens only while it was charging...
  5. Quasselstripper

    Does the new TB Macbook Pro smell like new Apple products used to smell?

    New Apple products always have this special smell – not a bad one, I pretty much like it. If you ever bought a new Apple product before you'll know what I mean. This moment when you open the box for the first time, you'll smell it…it goes away after a few days, but you will remember it. My...