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sms fail

  1. IDMah

    Resolved Can no longer send Sms text messages.

    Hi all. We are at our wits end here. My GF's iPhone 6s - 128 gig can no longer send Text Messages. We have tried updating the os to 14, changing SIM cards, setting SMS to default. reset the phone. It was working one moment and then half an hour later it stopped. No updating, no changes just...
  2. timoteo88santos

    iPhone 5 or earlier Messages problem

    Hi. I'm from brazil, and i have a problem that i think some people had too. (Sorry for my poor english). But, my problem is: I can't receive confirmation codes from any app, nothing. Example: When i use whatsapp app, and he say to me that will send the confirmation code by sms, but, i don't...
  3. dk001

    SMS Falilure Since 11.02

    This is driving me nuts ... 7+ and now I am having SMS failures. When I wake the phone in the morning, I discovered that any SMS I send fails. Now to make things even crazier, MMS works just fine. Once I send an MMS, SMS works. Verified this with coworkers 7, 6+, Note 4, Galaxy S8, and Note...