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  1. bjrnptrsn

    TimeMachine over SMB (APFS) only with double-click

    Hi, I have the issue getting a APFS sparsebundle volume (copied to smb server) work with Time Machine by attaching the volume via "hdiutil attach /path/to/sparsebundle/" (for automated attach on startup). Time Machine starts up (prepare backup) but stops without copying any file. Instead, if I...
  2. F

    Resolved Can't boot my CCC disk image !

    Hi everyone, I have a problem booting on my Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) disk image. It all started with me trying to have a look on Big Sur (stuck with catalina), but to prevent damage, I decided to clone my "Macintosh HD" volume and my "BOOTCAMP" volume with CCC on two distinct sparsebundle...