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  1. L

    Need to buy a new iMac for work by end of 2021 but what config

    Hi I need to buy a new iMac to use for work by the end of 2021. I am a photo editor and also now edit video (as in selecting and reviewing stock footage clips rather than doing post-production work. (footage is mainly 4k and maybe with occasional 8k) I currently have a 2013 21.5 inch intel i5...
  2. B

    Help me decide on Entry 13 Inch or Touch Bar Version

    I hate how Apple price and sort of mess with consumer. I must say there are really good at pricing each tier of the Macbook Pro. The difference between the Entry and Touchbar is around USD$282 (converted from my currency to usd) I absolutely don't really care about the Touchbar, if I can, i...
  3. Braders88

    Post your iMac setup

    Good Evening Mac Community, Not really a question this time around, more of a request. I find it very interesting to see how others use their iMac for social/business on a daily basis. As for myself I will be posting my fairly old (but still kicking) iMac 09'. I will include the specs and...