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  1. B

    Resolved Apple Health print spreadsheet

    I have an appointment with my medical doctor next week and would like to be able to make a spreadsheet of data about heart (BP and pulse) and weight to print and bring along. So far I have been able to export all data into the containing the export.xml file, but I have had no luck...
  2. H

    Shortcuts/Automator help - Batch rename files from a spreadsheet

    I've got a bit of a shortcuts/automator question for anyone who might be able to help At the moment I have a folder of files named after checksums (i.e. 7d835e2e1ddba48c0d135d72ef5dcdd1). I have a spreadsheet that contains a column for the checksum, then a second column with the actual filename...
  3. R

    Apple Numbers: Use filter to find any cells containing values from column

    I've mostly worked with Excel before but I'm having to achieve what I'm trying to do with Apple's Numbers application. I have a spreadsheet full of values in column A on a table called Tracker. I would like a separate table, Filter Criteria, which contains 1 column where I can paste a bunch of...
  4. N

    Home inventory catalog. How it should be created?

    I'd like to be able to find any possession item at home without looking for it in miscellaneous boxes I keep them in. I also would like to move separate items of my stuff from one box to another and keep being able to spot them after they've been moved. The solution that seems to me optimal is...
  5. S

    Tab Over in Google Sheets (iPad)

    Hi everyone. I use Google Sheets frequently and am working on my iPad more and more. The one thing I really miss is being able to use the Tab key to move to the next horizontal cell. When hitting Return, it brings me to the next cell down which isn't as helpful for entering data across a...